Announcement of EasyConsole Newsletter Engine

Newsletter engine is an extremely powerful EasyConsole add-on that can also be used as standalone. The administrators/editors of the website create lists of contact categories, contact companies and individual contacts that can be used for mass delivery of an EMAIL, SMS or FAX newsletter.

The administrators/editors can use the different templates to easily add/edit newsletters the same easy way is done with an EasyConsole based website. This way they create professional EMAIL/SMS/FAX newsletters in no time. After the content is added, the user can preview, change and automatically sent it to companies, individual contacts and pre-generated contact lists. The fast email delivery is achived using the powerful iMS Mail Server. EasyConsole Newsletter Engine license can be issued as standalone or as an add-on to EasyConsole license.

Announcement of EasyConsole Newsletter Engine. Newsletter engine is an extremely powerful EasyConsole add-on that can also be used as standalone...

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