Official Launch of Hellenic Bank Russia website

Official Launch of Hellenic Bank Russia website

We are pleased to announce launch of a new Hellenic Bank project. The website for of CB HELLENIC BANK LLC Group which represents Hellenic Bank in Russia was launched today on the same day when the branch opening ceremony took place.

In a modest ceremony and in the presence of a few selected guests, customers and friends of CB HELLENIC BANK LLC Group, the opening of the Group’s Subsidiary Bank took place as well the inauguration of its own premises of operations.

The inauguration ceremony was conducted by Mr. Petr Kuprikov, Deputy Head of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and Vice President of the Greece and Cyprus Friendship Association, in the presence of His Holiness Georgios, Bishop of Paphos, and His Holiness Athanasios, Bishop of Cyrene.

Mr. Giannis Telonis, General Manager in Russia, having expressed his warm welcome to all guests from Russia and Cyprus, referred to the significance of the event.

We are pleased to announce launch of a new Hellenic Bank project. The website for of CB HELLENIC BANK LLC Group (Hellenic Bank Russia) was launched today on the same day when the branch opening ceremony took place.

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